Let My Guides Do The Talking

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 About Me

Welcome, I'm thrilled the stars have brought you here. I'm a successful Tarot Card Reader here to guide you through life's most complex and difficult matters. Whatever you're going through, I'm here to help you find your way forward. I realized I was blessed with a gift that enabled me to see and sense things others could not. Let me do the same for you as I have for so many others since 2014. Contact me to schedule an appointment or an email reading. 

"The world owes you nothing because the universe has already given you everything!"

Services I Offer

3 Card Spread

A quick look into your pawst, present and future advice of your choice.

Celtic Cross Spread

A detailed 10 card spread that will look into any situation! This reading takes some time so this read is perfect for a wonderful email read! 

Meditate With Me

15 minutes of meditation can help you cleanse your chakras and connect to your spirit guides! Meditation Practices Follow your breathing. Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health..


3 Card Spread


Celtic Cross Spread 


Meditate With Me


Learn Tarot


Go to the contact page and let me know what you have chosen and I will give you details where to pay! I will also discuss what format you would like the reading to be as I offer different ways to deliver this to you!

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